With the use of everything online, identity theft is a growing concern. Many people fall victim to identity theft every year and it’s a process to get your credit and name back on track.
Before you fall victim, there are ways to be proactive with your protection.
The biggest rule to follow is do not give any information over the phone to a source you do not know. This can even mean if the call is coming from a company you have an account with but they are requesting information they should already have. Tell the caller you will call the number you have for the company to continue the conversation. Don’t use the number they give you to call back or the number listed on the caller ID. A thieve may use a company name you trust to get your guard down.
Many have received that call from someone telling you there is something wrong with your computer and they can fix it for you over the phone or some similar ploy, all they need is your social security number to verify your identity and your credit or debit card to pay for the fix. Just like that, they have taken your life and bought a car with your name that you will never drive.
Thieves also like to dumpster dive, so make sure to shred all receipts and credit card offers you receive. A personal shredder is a good investment in keeping your credit score in check.
Just remember if you do happen to have your identity stolen, all is not lost, there are steps you can take to right your credit and your name.
A great resource is identitytheft.gov in recovering your credit. Your banks and credit card companies will also be very helpful in fixing your unauthorized purchases and answering questions to help fix your credit.
Protect your information, protect yourself!