
HomeTown Blog

Sips and Scoops: The Journey of City Hall Creamery & Coffee

Jordan, Minnesota recently welcomed a delightful new addition to its downtown local business scene – City Hall Creamery & Coffee. Owned by Tim and Tresa Larkin, this charming coffee and ice cream shop brings together a deep-rooted connection to the town and a passion for creating a unique community space. A Hometown [...]

2024-07-19T14:08:35-05:00July 19th, 2024|

Achieving Your Dreams: One Deposit at a Time

The current economic situation is teaching Americans many things. As a society, singles, and families are learning new lessons, like how to prioritize spending, practice frugality, and mainly, understand and protect the value of their money. According to a 2024 American Express Survey of Millennial and Gen Z adults, 54% stated financial goals were foremost [...]

2024-07-09T15:07:28-05:00July 9th, 2024|

7 Essential Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Are you dreaming of owning your first home? Becoming a homeowner is an exciting journey, but it's essential to approach it with preparation and knowledge. At HomeTown Bank, we understand the significance of this milestone and are here to provide you with valuable tips to make your home buying experience smooth and successful. Assess [...]

2024-05-28T12:15:34-05:00June 17th, 2024|

Empowering the Future: The Importance of Teaching Financial Literacy

As parents, guardians and/or role models, we strive to equip our children with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life. From teaching them to tie their shoes to helping them with homework, we play a crucial role in their development. One area that often gets overlooked but is incredibly important is [...]

2024-05-17T13:22:13-05:00May 6th, 2024|

Support Small Businesses – The Bedrock of the American Economy

Small Business Week, April 28 through May 4 this year, was designated by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 to celebrate the major contributions American small businesses make locally and nationally. One might say that supporting these small businesses in our communities is necessary, if not critical. In Minnesota alone, roughly 526,350 small businesses [...]

2024-05-17T13:22:46-05:00April 22nd, 2024|

The Power of Community Bank Partnerships in Ag Lending

Throughout Minnesota, agriculture stands as a cornerstone of the state’s economy, providing sustenance, employment, and economic stability. Amidst the sprawling fields and family-owned farms, community banks lay a pivotal role in shaping the agricultural sector by providing essential financial support. This blog explores three key reasons why banking with a community bank like HomeTown [...]

2024-05-17T13:22:58-05:00March 15th, 2024|

Defend Your Identity With Practical Tips for Theft Prevention

In today’s digital age, safeguarding your identity is more crucial than ever. Identity theft has become a prevalent issue, with criminals constantly devising new ways to exploit personal information for financial gain. As a community bank committed to the well-being of our customers, we understand the importance of providing you with practical tips to [...]

2024-05-17T13:23:08-05:00February 27th, 2024|

A Guide to Maximizing the Benefits of a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

The new year is upon us, and you may be thinking that now is the perfect time to invest in your home. Whether it's a kitchen remodel, a roof replacement or the addition of a patio, the possibilities are endless. However, what isn't limitless is the financial means you need to bring your project [...]

2024-05-17T13:23:41-05:00February 7th, 2024|

SMART Financial Goals: A Guide to Smart Savings in 2024

As the New Year approaches, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating the future. It’s a time when resolutions are made, and goals are set. A common area that tops the list is financial health. Whether your goal is to build up your savings account, save for a dream vacation, [...]

2024-05-17T13:24:09-05:00December 2nd, 2023|

Your Debit Card: Navigating the World of Secure Transactions

Don't let not having any cash stop you from shopping. In the fast-paced world of financial transactions, debit cards have become an integral part of our daily lives. As we navigate the dynamic landscape of modern commerce, many of us need to understand the nuances of debit cards. Here is what you need to [...]

2024-05-17T13:25:19-05:00November 3rd, 2023|
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