At HomeTown Bank, we are dedicated to fostering future success in our communities. This year’s Young Entrepreneur Event during Corn Capital Days, hosted by our Olivia location, was a tremendous success, showcasing the creativity and ambition of the area’s youth. Held on the Friday of Corn Capital Days, the event brought together young minds eager to share their unique products and services with the community.

Preparing for Success

Before setting up their booths, each participant attended a special class at the Olivia location. This class covered essential entrepreneurship topics such as:

  • Marketing: Effective ways to promote and stand out from the crowd.
  • Business Plans: The importance of having a clear plan and set goals.
  • Pricing: Strategies for setting competitive and profitable prices by understanding costs and revenue.

These foundational skills prepared our young entrepreneurs to take on the challenge with confidence and enthusiasm.

Real-World Learning

Corn Capital Young Entrepreneur Event - Customer InteractionsThe true learning experience, however, happened at the event. Our young entrepreneurs gained invaluable skills by interacting with real customers. They learned how to:

  • Communicate Effectively: Clearly and confidently explain their offerings.
  • Engage Customers: Make small talk and connect with customers in a friendly and professional manner.
  • Handle Transactions: Manage money efficiently and count back change accurately.
  • Show Courtesy: Demonstrate respect and appreciation to all interested in their products.

These skills, while not taught in the classroom, are crucial for personal and professional development. Witnessing these young individuals grow through their interactions was incredibly rewarding.

Strengthening Community Bonds

HomeTown Bank is proud to sponsor this event and provide the resources and guidance needed to nurture these budding entrepreneurs. The Young Entrepreneur Event not only highlighted the talent and creativity of our youth but also reinforced our commitment to giving back to the community.

The support from the community was overwhelming, with many local coming out to encourage and purchase from our young entrepreneurs. This support only only boosted the confidence of these young business owners but also fostered a sense of community and togetherness.

Excited for the Future

We are already excited for next year’s Corn Capital Days and the next wave of young entrepreneurs. Events like these are a testament to the bright future of our community, and we are honored to play a part in nurturing that future.

Thank you to everyone who participated, supported, and make the Young Entrepreneur Event a memorable success. Together, we are growing the next generation of business leaders, one booth at a time.